Monday, March 17, 2008

Color me Gfan

The latest version of Gfan has some new capabilities that I am excited to use for testing whether ideals are zero-dimensional. But first I have to rewrite the Sage interface to Gfan. I thought that I should try to give some Sage-added-value while I was at it, so I am converting Gfan's xfig output to Sage graphics and adding some color. Here's one result so far: a map of all the reduced Groebner bases for the 3-vortex problem, colored by maximum degree:


house interior design said...

all the contributions, and some of the colour artwork is of a spectacular standard. ... When I read that article in GFAN that reminded me of that article. GFAN is a great publication and I enjoy each issue of it. ...

toyota service said...

I just started reading the magazine myself with the latest (December) isssue. I have never been able to find it on the newsstand so I had to subscribe to see an issue. I like the magazine and feel the same about the comics section (even though i like comics) but the indepth articles are one of a kind. Being new to the magazine can anyone out there tell me what issue they started review DVD's? I figure that is a good place to begin my obsessive collection...thanks!